Hello Friends,
I personally wanted to thank you for stopping by and taking time out of your busy day to visit my site. I am so glad that you are here! I am Shannon Maier, founder of Journey Living Ministries. Often a woman of many hats, I can answer to those who call me Shannon, Shanny, Mom, friend and my personal favorite “MiMi”. Public speaking and life coaching are my passion and the things that I hold very close to my heart. I am your average woman riding the waves of this crazy beautiful storm, called life. While all the while, clinging to the rock of righteousness. My passion is to help others through public speaking and life coaching. I love to encourage and inspire those who God has placed around me. I have found the only successful way of doing my best is to cling to The Rock of righteousness and help raise up those who God has entrusted to me. My prayer is that God will bring us both through it all successfully. |
My prayer is that God will bring hope in and through me, while showing God’s grace, and the blueprint he specifically designed for your life. While doing all this, I live with my husband in a charming village in central Ohio. I have two daughters and am surrounded by my amazing family, friends, and ministry team.
I created this ministry to help others discover the life God intended for them to have no matter where they may be on their journey. I was educated at a very young age that nothing and no one is guaranteed tomorrow. I have navigated with great success around and through the “ruts in the road.” I am a survivor of a lightning bolt, a misguided truck and a catastrophic accident involving my daughter and a golf cart. Cancer, my parents' divorce, and financial ruin have all danced on my doorstep, but nothing has derailed my determination to gracefully cross the finish line, victoriously! |
With that being said, I believe, we all must live for today and be present in what God has given us. I love connecting with the young and old. I do my best while encouraging them to look far beneath the surface and find what they were truly made to be and why it is they are here in the first place. My purpose is to capture your heart and soul, without judgment. And to encourage you with this… DO NOT allow the world to miss out on another day without the incredible gift of all, YOU!
In Him, Shannon |